Monday, July 11, 2011


Mommy has been letting That Dog get by with murder! Do you know she lets her sleep out of the crate on the weekend? I don't think that's allowed. I have read the Ruff Love book while Mommy was at work. It says That Dog should stay in her crate always. I may have to tell Aunt Linda that That Dog is not following the rules!

I like to play with That Dog sometimes. I like to get her all hyped up and then I go lay down. Then That Dog gets in trouble for being rambunctious!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Mommy bought That Dog a new tunnel. She set it up in the the living room until the agility yard gets finished. That Dog likes to run thru it. So I like to get in the tunnel and sleep so That Dog can't have fun!!

Yesterday I hid in the tunnel with a rawhide and teased That Dog. It was sooooo much fun!! I even hid from Mommy. I let Mommy go all over the house looking for me and I just laid in the tunnel real quiet! It's fun!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Mommy bought That Dog a new bed. I don't think she needs one. She can sleep in the crate where she belongs! With the door shut and locked!! I like the new bed. It's so big and soft and comfy. Sometimes I get on it and won't let That Dog on it. I think it's fun to aggravate That Dog!

I'm glad Mommy is making That Dog mind. She let her get away with murder this winter. Mommy could have used her cast and spanked That Dog when she was naughty! But she didn't. Life is better when That Dog minds!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I got my hair cut. It's so cute! I pranced out of the store! Sometimes I get cold, and have to wear my cute new sweater Mommy got for me! Its purple. Mommy was worried my hair wouldn't look good after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but she didn't need to worry. Cause I look good!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


We went for a long walk today. We got to explore in the woods. It was fun! I got hot so I went for a swim. Then after dinner, I got to go back outside to explore some more!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today is my 11th birthday! I got to have special time with Mommy. She bought me a cheesy roast beef sandwich. It was yummy! Then we went to Petco. We explored the store. I had a good birthday!! Mommy got me a stuffed chipmunk....I like chipmunks!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


My hair is looking good. It's getting long and when Mommy bathes me, my hair is sooooo soft. It's getting thicker on my trunk. You can't hardly tell I had a problem last fall.

Sometimes I get to go out with Molly exploring. She usually leaves me to go patrol. I explore a little but I go back home. My couch is usually calling my name!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Mommy says Molly and I are going to Grandma and Grandad's house for a couple of nites. Mommy is taking That Dog to another agility trial. I don't know why Mommy keeps working with That Dog.....I don't think she's very good.

But anyway, Mommy says we will get to go for car rides and to McDonalds while we are at the Grandparents. I'm looking forward to a break from That Dog but I will miss my Mommy!