Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I got sick last week. I frew up and had poopoo's. Mommy had to take me to the doctor. I got some medicine and some special food. Then yesterday I got hives and had to go back to the doctor. He gave me 2 shots. I'm feeling better now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We got to walk yesterday and today b/c it finally stopped raining. I had fun. I even ran some on my walk. It was too cool for me to swim but That Dog did. You can't keep That Dog out of the water!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Mommy said she won a dog cot in a raffle! i can't wait for her to get it! It's gonna be all mine!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I got a new 'do. It's real short. Mommy says I'll be ready for the beach! I can't wait. I plan on resting on the sand. I get so very tired walking on the beach!

Monday, August 24, 2009


I was so sleepy last night. I think Mommy gave me something to make me sleep. I slept so good all night right beside Mommy. Mommy said she gave me some Benadryl b/c I was itchy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We went on a walk tonight. On leashes! Mommy says Molly can't get in the weeds and woods b/c she has a boo boo. I walked with Molly on a coupler. We didn't want to walk with That Dog! I had to stand right beside Molly when she went poo poo! It stunk!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Mommy cooked us a good dinner. We had liver and she mixed in some grease from the ground beef she cooked. It was yummy! I ate all of mine!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Molly and I saw a cat today. We were riding back from the pavilion in our best friend's ride when we saw it. Mommy took us home and we jumped out and chased it! It was fun! We haven't gotten to chase a cat in a long time.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We didn't have fun at agility class last night. We got stuck in traffic and didn't get there early to play. When we got there, someone was there with a dog that wasn't friendly. It got snarky with That Dog and she fought it! Good for That Dog! She is friendly and wants everyone to be her friend. She can't help it that other dogs aren't nice. That Dog gets blamed all the time for things she didn't start. Sometimes I even feel sorry for That Dog! I tried to sniff the other dog, and its owner acted like I was gonna kill it! I didn't like it! I hope we don't have to see them again!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


We finally got to go for a walk this afternoon. It has been too hot. That Dog and I chased a squirrel. We didn't catch it. Mommy says in a little bit we are driving down to the pavilion. Mommy reads and we play in the woods by the lake. Then we get an air conditioned ride back home!

Friday, June 26, 2009


I tore up a bed the other day! It was fun. Then I got scared b/c I know Mommy was going to ask us "Who did this?" I don't like it when she asks that. So I took That Dog's fish toy and dropped it in the cotton. Mommy came home and found it and blamed That Dog! She Made That Dog sit by the mess. Then That Dog had to sit in her crate. My plan worked! Shhhh...don't tell Mommy!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Mommy put me on the treadmill today. I wouldn't walk. I just rode off the end and sat down. That Dog walks on it. Sometimes she tries to get on it with Mommy! Mommy doesn't like that.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I was mean to That Dog today. Mommy got our cheeseburger. She makes all 3 of us share one burger. Mommy feeds Molly and That Dog theirs. I get to eat mine off the wrapper. That Dog watched me waiting for me to finish with the wrapper. I knocked the wrapper off into the floor and I laid down beside it and guarded it. That Dog really wanted it and I didn't let her have it!!! I licked all the cheese off it. It was good!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Can you believe that Mommy is letting That Dog run free during the day. I think That Dog should stay in her crate all day long. I'm gonna talk to Mommy about that!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I was bad today! First I wouldn't let Mommy's friend ride in the car. I already had the "passenger side of my best friend's ride". Then I gave her ugly eyes! At the grooming place, they made me sit in a cage with That Dog. When they took That Dog out for grooming, I waited a little bit. Then I opened the cage door....I went shopping down the treat aisle. I pretended not to know Colleen when she came to get me! It was fun. Then I got my hair cut. I look GOOD!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


This is an Evil Toy that That Dog loves. I hate it! It talks. One day it's gonna disappear......

Thursday, May 14, 2009


We went back to agility class last night. I rested in the crate while That Dog and Molly had class. It was hot! I was glad when class was over so we could get in the air conditioned van.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Mommy cleaned all of the carpets this weekend. We had to sleep on the couch b/c the bedroom carpets were still wet. I slept at Mommy's feet. Molly and That Dog slept in recliners. Mommy still hasn't sinished putting everything back where I like it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I finally got to use the computer. Mommy has been hogging it forever! She said That Dog has something wrong with its hips so she has been researching it. Really I think That Dog has something wrong with its HEAD!! I will post vacation pictures as soon as Mommmy lets me play with the camera!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


ME! I look good!
THAT DOG...not so good!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


Mommy took us to daycare today. We were just starting to enjoy ourselves when That Dog scaled a 7 foot fence and ran away! The man that was watching us yelled into the radio "Dog over". Everyone looked for That Dog for hours. They finally called Mommy and she rushed out to daycare. They made us go with Mommy and some employee to look for That Dog. We walked a long time! Finally That Dog came out of the woods. She was wet and muddy. Mommy was glad to see her.....I wasn't!!! Mommy forgot That Dog's leash so they used mine. That man carried me all the way back to daycare. I was glad b/c all that walking wore me out!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


That Dog and I got in trouble last night for barking. We only barked from 3AM until a little after 4AM. I don't know why Mommy was mad at us!!! It made me real tired and I had to sleep most of the day!

Monday, March 30, 2009


I am very tired today. We got home from Texas last night. Molly had an agility trial in Rendon. She did good on Saturday. She earned a title and got 3 Q's. On Sunday it was hot and she was slow. She did get another Q and another title. I rested in mommy's chair alot. I get so tired watching others run!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Me and That Dog got new 'do's today. I look cute. That Dog looks funny! Can you believe they made me share a crate with That Dog? Have you seen her? She's huge!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Mommy made me walk in mud today! It was nasty! Molly competed in some agility trial and I got to go. The yard was all muddy! I spent most of the day relaxing in my crate!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Mommy locked me in the upper yard tonight. I finally howled and she came outside and called my name. I came running. I made her pick me up and carry me in the house. Then I went into the office to blog about my scary experience! Now I think I'm gonna take a nap on the window sill.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We went to the park yesterday. It was hot! That Dog got scared and tried to run off. I think Mommy should have let her! I sat under a cool bench and I guarded it. I chased anybody off that tried to get near it. I also got in a fight with a terrier. He was rude when I sniffed him and he was ugly! I took him to the ground. It embarrassed Mommy!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


We got a new ride! I picked out my seat. It's right beside Mommy! I like to sit on the passenger side of my best friend's ride!!! Mommy says our new ride is just for us when we travel.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Mommy made us run today. She said she's trying to build up her lung volume. So she ran on our walk. I didn't like it. It made me hot and tired. I had to go get in the lake to cool off!

Monday, February 23, 2009


That Dog doesn't like the 2 yappy dogs that live up the hill. That Dog tried to be friendly and they ran at her. She didn't like them! Plus, they had ugly haircuts! She tries to be nice to Midnight and his owner won't let That Dog play with him! He's mean!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Mommy got mad at me! She was lazy and hadn't put the sheets back on the bed. I tried to fix the covers the way I like them....and I tore the mattress pad. Then I pulled some of the stuffing out! It was fun! Mommy got mad! She showed me the stuffing and said "who did this?" I just looked at the wall and pretended not to hear her!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We went for a walk tonight. I ran ahead of Mommy and Mrs. Linda. I went ahead so I could find my friend Max. I found him and brought him with us on the walk. It was hot on our walk. I went for a swim. The water was deep and I had to swim some!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Mommy has been lazy about dinner lately! We have had McDonalds twice! She says she's tired from her agility trial. Oh....That Dog came back home again! I showed her my teeth! But I was kinda glad to see her!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


That Dumb Dog ate some rate poison. Mommy had to make her drink some peroxide. Then the next morning, That Dumb Dog started throwing up blood. It had to go to the vet. The vet gave It some medicine and said It would live! Mommy was relieved.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I finally got to run free at Grandma and Grandad's! Mommy always makes me walk on a leash here...just b/c one time I ran almost to Wal-Mart. It was fun exploring. Mommy gives me treats when I come back in.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was in charge today. Mommy and Molly went to work and I was in charge of the whole house and That Dog. That Dog stayed in her crate! I didn't tell Mommy, but ...I took a long, long nap!! It's hard working being in charge!

Monday, February 2, 2009


That Dog wearing her Birthday Tiara!
That Dog's presents!

That Dog and Mommy! That Dog is trying to eat the cake!

That Dog had a birthday. It was one. That dog got to have a party and can you believe people came to her party?

Saturday, January 31, 2009


We all got baths tonight b/c of That Dog. She came home all muddy! I don't think b/c she's dirty that I should get punished with a bath. Mommy says tomorrow is That Dog's First Birthday. We get cake. I think That Dog is here to stay if we have to celebrate her birthday!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Tonight I heard Mommy tell Grandma that she isn't gonna let us on the couch anymore. That's not fair. I know it's because of That Dog!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Mommy said Molly did real well at her agility trial. Mommy said Molly earned her first title, Performance Jumpers I. She also earned qualifiying scores in 2 other events (I don't know what that means). Molly said it meant she got good chicken for a treat. Here's a picture of Molly and all of her ribbons!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


That Dog got a new crate. Mommy said It was too big for her old one. She said It couldn't stand up straight in the old crate. So That Dog got a new crate. Mommy put a comforter in it. I showed That Dog! I slept in the new crate all night! I fixed the comforter just the way like it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


That Dog got scared today. She was afraid of Mrs. Linda's daughter! What a big baby!! She wouldn't walk with us. It went home and hid! Mommy had to get the car and go find her.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I went home today. Grandma and Grandad took me home. I stayed at their house while Mommy and Molly went to an agility trial. I was so happy to see Mommy! I love my Mommy! I was happy to see Molly too. I was even happy to see That Dog....but I showed her my teeth and growled at her so Mommy wouldn't know I like That Dog!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Molly and That Dog got lost yesterday on our afternoon walk! they went off in the woods and didn't come back. Mommy and Mrs. Linda were worried. Mommy and I had to go home and get the car. We drove all over the neighborhood looking for them. They finally came home. Molly said they were chasing a deer! We all know how much That Dog likes deer!! I ddn't get my full walk b/c of That Dog!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We didn't get dinner til 5:30 today. I think Mommy needs to work on her time management skills better! She didn't even put the liver on the cook until 4:00. She gave That Dog a treat when It came in tonight! I don't think That Dog deserved it. Mommy says she is trying to teach It to come when called. I wish she wouldn't teach That Dog that!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today Mommy locked That Dog and me in the car. We were in Mayflower for Molly's agility lesson. When That Dog tried to get out while Mommy was putting on her coat, the door got shut and we were locked in. They tried a long time to get us out. There was a big bag of liver treats in the car. I wouldn't let That Dog eat them. Finally Mommy's friend drove up with an extra set of keys and we got out. We got to play a little bit. I was so tired from being locked up that I slept all the way home!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


That Dog was BAD today! She tried to bite Mommy! Mommy tried to take away a nasty, stinky deer leg from That Dog. Then That Dog tried to bite poor Mommy! Mommy got mad! Mommy pulled That Dog all the way home by her collar. Then it got a bath and had to sit in It's crate. Mommy said That Dog lived up to her name, BAD DOG MARLEY!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Today was a good day for napping. I made the most of it. Baby Molly stayed in the closet most of the day. That Dog was locked up in her crate so I had the house to myself. It was great. I rolled all over Mommy's loveseat! Don't tell her...we aren't suppose to get on it!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


I decided to make some New Year's Resolutions. Here they are:

1. Sleep more
2. Find a new man. (Louie dumped me b/c I'm 6 years older!)
3. Try to get rid of That Dog
4. Take fewer baths
5. Kick Molly and That Dog out of Mommy's bed so I can have it all by myself!